
Mosquito-Proofing Your Apartment: Simple Steps for Prevention

Mosquitoes are one of the causes of nuisance both inside and outside your house. Some mosquitos even carry life-threatening diseases and cause risk to your family members. These bugs thrive mainly in warm and wet conditions. It is not always possible to keep your windows closed all 24 hours to prevent the access of mosquitos. So, how will you make your apartment mosquito-proof?

No stagnant water around your house-

If there is stagnant water in and around your house, it allows mosquitos to lay eggs. So, a pond around your house may increase the growth of mosquitoes. You can install a water agitator or water fountain to avoid stagnant water.

Grow mosquito-repellant plants-

You can grow some indoor plants that have the potential to repel mosquitos. Place the plant pots on your desk or anywhere inside your house. Some plants also repel mice and other pests. As they are small, you can grow them in an indoor environment and control mosquitoes in your apartment.

The most common mosquito-repelling plants are:

  • Lavender
  • Rosemary
  • Lemongrass
  • Mint 
  • Citronella
  • Lemon balm
  • Basil
  • Catnip

Buy mosquito curtains and nets-

Mosquito curtains and nets can be installed in your apartment. So, although you keep your windows open, the bugs cannot enter your room. You will sit peacefully on the balcony without the annoyance caused by mosquitos. Some mosquito curtains and nets are easily installable and removable. You may move them from one window to another, depending on your needs. Just hang the curtains and keep the bugs at bay. Some nets are available in various designs and colors to match the aesthetics of your house. 

Apply the garlic spray around your apartment-

Some people buy chemical-filled mosquito repellent sprays. However, you may use garlic sprays to keep your apartment mosquito-free. Crush the garlic cloves and boil them in water. Pour the garlic solution into a small spray bottle. So, it is easy to prepare the spray at your home and use it for your needs. As the garlic has a pungent smell, it is not tolerable to mosquitos. But, if you do not like the smell of garlic, you may look for alternatives.

Spread cloves and sliced lemon-

This is another easy solution for avoiding mosquito infestation in your apartment. Slice the lemon into some pieces and push a few cloves into them. The combination of lemon and cloves will be the best natural mosquito repellant.

Use soapy water for preventing mosquitos-

A bowl of soapy water has the power to repel mosquitos. However, ensure that your dish should be soapy and contain bubbles. Any detergent or dishwashing soap can be used for making the solution. Standing water always attracts mosquitoes. However, when they sit in the soapy water, the bubbles will trap them.

Hire professionals to avoid mosquito

If the DIY methods do not work, you can consider Sarasota mosquito control services. Professionals apply different methods to keep your apartment mosquito-free.

These are some ways to prevent mosquito problems in your apartment.

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